AB Kids Life Coach

How to Be a Positive Mom Even When You Don’t Feel Like it?

How to Be a Positive Mom Even When You Don’t Feel Like it?

Everybody is allowed to feel blue sometimes, mothers too. Nobody has a perfect life where everything is hunky-dory 24*7. There will be ups and downs. How you deal with your bad days determines whether you will get out of them or keep spiraling downwards.  Moreover, when you are a mother, it becomes very important that […]

How to Make Separation Easy for Your Child?

How to Make Separation Easy for Your Child?

When you have kids, getting a divorce becomes very stressful. You have to worry about the effect such a big step will have on you as well as the repercussions this will have in your child’s life.  It is not going to be easy for your child to see his parents separating. But, you can […]

How to Raise Strong Problem Solvers?

How to Raise Strong Problem Solvers?

Being able to solve your own problems is not a skill recognized by many. When we have it, we don’t even realize it. But, we start seeing the ‘problem’ when we lack it.  If we want our children to be independent and self-sufficient, problem-solving is a majority part of it. But, how will our children […]

Problems of Being a Single Parent

Problems of Being a Single Parent

Single parenting comes with its own set of emotional and physical hardships, along with all the parenting challenges. Choice or no choice, when we have to go through being a single parent, there are some problems that are collectively faced by single parents.  Being a single parent can suck the energy out of an individual […]

The Single Most Helpful Trick for Dealing with Child’s Emotional Outbursts

The Single Most Helpful Trick for Dealing with Child’s Emotional Outbursts

Children are as fiddly as they can get. You never know when they will have their episodes of emotional outbursts. One minute they are sitting and playing with their toys merrily, and the next moment they are shouting and crying at the top of their voices for reasons best known to themselves. These outbursts are […]

10 Easy Ways to Bond with Your Child

10 Easy Ways to Bond with Your Child

When we are so engrossed in our busy lives, we forget some important things along the way. We want them to have everything they want, and for that, we work hard and drown ourselves in work. But what we often miss is that they need their parents more than anything. They need to share a […]

Discover the Secrets to be a Role Model Parent and a Parent Influencer

Discover the Secrets to be a Role Model Parent and a Parent Influencer

Raising children is a full-time job. And your job description is that you have to cultivate a well-rounded human being. But no one will tell you how to do it. No one will give you the secret ingredients that go into making an exceptional human. And as in a job, you want to be the […]

Forget Everything your Mother Told you about Raising a Child

Forget Everything your Mother Told you about Raising a Child

Our mothers are our inspiration for so many things. We learn everything from them. And we want to follow in their footsteps. But now, the times are changing. People face new challenges every day, and they need to adapt to these circumstances. Now, as we are stepping into a different era from when you were […]

Life a Mother Should Live to Indirectly Impact their Kids Positively

Life a Mother Should Live to Indirectly Impact their Kids Positively

“A mother is the truest friend we have when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us.” ―Washington Irving Parents significantly impact their kids. Whatever they do, children are always influenced by it. ‘Like […]

Not Another Child What all to prepare before planning a second baby

What all to prepare before planning a second baby

If you thought having a kid is the most strenuous thing you have ever done in your life, wait till you have two. It is a whole different ball game. Because now you have not one, but two little ones to deal with who have problems of their own. You could say that your previous […]