WARNING! WARNING WARNING! Don’t Even Think About Having a Baby Until You Read This.
So, you are brave enough to bring a human being into this world, good for you. Let me be completely honest with you. It won’t be easy. But, it isn’t rocket science either. You can do it. All you have to do is be prepared and be ready. As a disclaimer before a movie, these […]
Responsibilities of a Father
Parents love their kids the most. And they, both mother and father, strive to do what is best for their kids. they are a team and in today’s world, they divide their duties among each other. Any team has a goal that everyone tries to achieve. In it, it does not do if one teammate […]
How to Make a Child Interested in Studying
“LIVE AS IF YOU WERE TO DIE TOMORROW. LEARN AS IF YOU WERE TO LIVE FOREVER.” ―MAHATMA GANDHI Studying is nothing but a learning process. And more often than none, it becomes boring. When even the teachers fail to make it enjoyable, as a parent, it falls upon you to amp it up and make […]
How to be Good Parents
You are probably wondering about it every waking moment of your life and in your sleep too. It is a constant worry that engulfs you to the extent that there is nothing else on your mind. And you hope and hope that someone will just tell you the ‘secret’ of good parenting and you will […]
Being a Bad Mother is not so Bad
Society has created the image of a ‘good’ mother. Any mother who does not fall in that image is titled to be a bad mother. Every mother knows what is best for her own child and if it does not fall under the definition of that stereotypical good mother then, she is judged a lot. […]
5 Sure-fire Ways to Befriend your Teenager
Teenage is a hard time for you and your kids. Nothing is really the same anymore and your little babies’ lives don’t revolve around you anymore. They are turning into adults and will have their own life. This confusing time definitely puts a strain on your relationship with your kids. Suddenly, they start hating you […]
Do You Make any of these Parenting Mistakes?
Everyone makes mistakes and parents are no exceptions. You are human beings, after all, you can’t be perfect always. In the pursuit for being the best parents in the world, sometimes mistakes happen unknowingly. Do you make any of these parenting mistakes that may harm your relationship with your children? Only teach don’t learn You […]
Dealing with Stubborn Kids
Some battles in life seem impossible to be won, which completely drain your patience, stamina, and energy. Yes, the battle with your stubborn child seems almost lost when your energy levels are exhausted. However, some battles are not won by strength, but by strategy. Here are some pointers that will help you with this challenge. […]
Signs that You are Doing a Good Job as a Parent
Whenever we are working in a company, and we do something right, we get compliments, and if you are very lucky, appraisals. But, in parenting, there are no trophies or promotions. No one is going to change your designation from ‘parent’ to ‘senior parent.’ But it is not like you will never know if you […]
Importance of Energy in Parenting
Now, one might think over the ambiguity of the word ‘energy.’ Is it the stamina and physical strength required to raise children? Without a shadow of a doubt, it is a prime aspect of parenting, which decides whether or not you can survive it. But, no. Today, we are not talking about another interpretation of […]