AB Kids Life Coach

What to Do When Your Kid Doesn’t have friends?

What to do when your kid doesn't have friends.

Friends are a beautiful part of our life, everyone finds their own. The moment you just click with someone and you become the best of friends for all your life is just priceless. However, not everyone gets to experience this in their childhood. Are you concerned that this is the case with your child? I […]

Does Your Child Really Respect You or Is It Fear?

Does Your Child Really Respect You or Is It Fear?

We all want our children to respect us. And whatever we do decides whether it will happen or not. And how can we see that? Their actions will tell us whether we have succeeded in gaining their respect or not.  However, there is a cause for concern. How do we know whether they respect us […]

Do You Know How to Say ‘No’ to Your Child?

Do You Know How to Say ‘No’ to Your Child?

Mom, Dad Please! please! I promise I will do whatever you say! This is the last thing that I will ever ask! Please, pretty please?  And, it goes on and on for what feels like an eternity. One of the responsibilities of parents is saying ‘no.’  If our children want to do anything that is […]

How to Teach Money Management to Your Child?

How to Teach Money Management to Your Child?

Money is an indispensable resource and we have to be wary of how we utilize it. It takes us a long time to get the hang of the concept of money management. But, what if we teach our children from a very young age so that they won’t have to face the same challenges as […]

Raising Confident Kids

Raising Confident Kids

The new era has come with new possibilities. On one end, we have so many opportunities to flourish, however, on the other end, our personal challenges are increasing. And the people who are affected by it the most are, kids.  As our children start growing up, their problems also start piling up. And one of […]

How to Be Independent Kids?

How to Be Independent Kids?

Ever since we started understanding what ‘being independent means, that is all we ever wanted to be. Imagine being on your own, doing what you want, eating whatever you like, waking up whenever you fancy, and just basically enjoying your life to the fullest. It is a dream that seems too good to come true.  […]

My Kids Don’t Do Anything at Home and It is Getting on My Nerves!

My Kids Don’t Do Anything at Home and It is Getting on My Nerves!

Ninety percent of mothers have this very problem with their kids. We are worried, tired, and frustrated because of this behavior. When our children never do anything at home, not only are they becoming extremely dependent on you, but also somehow, everything becomes your responsibility. Moreover, children start taking you for granted.  The situation is […]

Introvert Vs Extrovert

Introvert Vs Extrovert

Time and again people engage in a debate about ‘who is the best?’ So, today I thought let’s jump on the bandwagon and try to come to a conclusion. However, we are going to opt for a different approach here. We will analyze some stories and then see for ourselves which one is better.  STORY […]

I Don’t Want My Kids to Use Technology!

I Don’t Want My Kids to Use Technology!

One day, I was strolling in a mall when I happened to hear a woman say these exact words. I found it very unusual when I thought about it. How could someone imagine living in the age of technology without, well ‘technology’? But, it turns out, she wasn’t the only one. A lot of parents […]

How to Teach Your Kids to Maintain Health Hygiene without Losing Your Calm

How to Teach Your Kids to Maintain Health Hygiene without Losing Your Calm

Hygiene is an indispensable part of our lives. Proper hygiene helps us avoid a lot of health problems and diseases (the current situation bears witness to that). However, maintaining proper hygiene is difficult for us as well as our young tykes. But this task is not going to be that easy. They will not give […]